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Year 2 (Braille Class and Kerr Class)

Year 2 Classrooms


 Year 2 Team

Year 2 Team (ID 1202)


Year 2 curriculum 



Year 2 timetables


Things to Remember

Children will be provided with a fruit snack if they would like one, but you can provide your child with their own fruit snack for break time if you would prefer. Your child will also need to bring a named water bottle to school along with their reading book and Reading Journal each day. Phonics/banded books will be changed on Mondays and Thursdays and library books will be changed on Fridays.


Year 2 have a PE lesson each Friday. We ask that children wear PE kits to school on this day.


Home Learning

Throughout their time in Year 2, children are expected to engage in a variety of home learning activities which help to consolidate their learning from the week.


The children will have home learning books with spellings to complete each week and this will also allow them to practise their letter formation and handwriting technique.


We believe reading is the most important skill children learn during their time with us. In Year 2, we expect children to read regularly and they will have their own Reading Journals where they can complete different activities in order to encourage them to read for pleasure.


Children also have access to Numbots to practise their recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction. They will also have access to Times Tables Rock Stars from the Summer Term, to help them to practise times tables.