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St Gabriel's CofE Academy

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Art and Design

Long Term Plan    


At St Gabriel’s, we aim to develop a love and appreciation of art and design. We want children to enjoy creating pieces of art and appreciate the beauty and craft used when applying design techniques. The school intends to provide children with an overview of the change and development of art throughout history and to learn about the world’s great artists. At St Gabriel’s, we wish to provide children with the opportunity to express themselves and ideas through the medium of art and to understand the impact art has on individuals and society as a whole. We also want children to appreciate how the skills of art contribute to their learning and understanding of other subjects within across the curriculum.


Art and Design is taught alongside Design and Technology each half-term through weekly lessons. We follow the guidance set out in the National Curriculum and, where possible, use art to make meaningful links to other curriculum areas. At St Gabriel’s, children learn to draw, paint and sculpt using a range of media. Children are also given opportunities to evaluate and analyse their own and other works of art to enable them to understand the effects of applying different techniques. We also believe it is important for children to learn about great artists of the past and to understand art and design is ever-changing and has altered overtime. We want children to recall history’s great artists and to identify some of their most famous pieces of work, as well as appreciating the diversity of celebrated artists from around the world.


Assessment for learning strategies are employed to enable teachers to identify the strength of understanding of the children. Teachers use this information to make adaptations to their planning to meet the needs of the children. Teachers may also change the focus of learning during a lesson to ensure children are supported and challenged. Each term, teachers use evidence of learning in children’s books to track their progress.  School leaders monitor pupil’s work termly and hold termly meetings with subject leaders to ensure they are supported to provide a high-quality curriculum. In addition, children’s views and understanding are ascertained through pupil interviews/surveys.